Advanced User Setting
To improve the look and usability of the Define Users window, a number of fields not commonly populated for all Users have been relocated to this window.
Rules and Guidelines
- No rules and guidelines
Field Information

The IP Address assigned to a Preceda User or a range of IP Addresses can be setup in this field.
- When enabled, the Preceda Log on Process will check the IP Address from where the log in attempt is taking place.
- If the IP Address does not match the IP Address that is stored against the user in Preceda, the log in will not be permitted and the following message appears. "Access to system is denied, the IP address assigned is not permitted to access this application. Contact the system administrator if you require assistance."
- If the user is to access Preceda via the Internet, the IP Address must be the public gateway IP Address.
- If the user is to access Preceda within an internal network, the IP Address will be the IP Address of the user's PC, unless separated by network equipment (e.g. firewall, router etc.). In this case, the IP Address depends on the configuration of the System.

This refers to the Cost Level Security Profile for this user.

This field can be used to assign a user to a Payrun Environment, if required.
- Once setup, a link to a Payrun Environment can be maintained by the user through the Change Payrun Environment window, or by the Maintain Users Payrun Environment window.

Code | Description |
A | All versions of employee records are displayed. |
C | Only current version of employee records are displayed. |

This field becomes editable only if the "Auto Generate ID Number" field is set to 'Y' on the Hire Rules screen.
- If set to 'Y', the assigned user will have the option to either specify a new employee ID Number during the Hire process or allow the system to auto generate the ID Number.
- If set to 'N', the assigned user will not have the option to specify a new ID Number during the Hire process and all ID Numbers will be auto generated instead.

Can the assigned user be changed for held transactions in the Termination Wizard screen?
Code | Description |
Y | The assigned user can be changed for Held transactions. |
N | The assigned user cannot be changed for Held transactions. |

If Display Low Balance Warning = 'Y', then the user will receive a warning message upon logging in to Preceda if their payroll credits are low.

The value set in this field is used as the password to open encrypted emailed Pay Slip (where PYSLP Position 15 is Y).
While you can save the password in lowercase or a combination of lower and uppercase, please note that when opening the encrypted pay slip, you will need to enter the password in UPPERCASE.
- This field is only available when Program Control PYSLP Position 15 is set to Y.
- When the selected employee has a User Type: Employee, this field is hidden. Where PYSLP Position 15 is set to Y, Employee User Types are automatically assigned with their Preceda password in UPPERCASE.

In order to determine what type of user is logged into Preceda and to enable relevant fields for that user, it is required to check the PPINTE file where the Application ID of authorised users gets manually added. Upon ticking this checkbox, users will have their Application ID added to the PPINTE file.
- Note that this checkbox is unticked by default.

Tick this button to enable the Dashboard view in the Welcome Page of Preceda.

This field displays two options: 'Primary Contact' and 'Secondary Contact'.

Code | Description |
Y | Allow this user access to the AtWork benefits program via Employee Self Service. |
N | Do not allow this user access to the AtWork awards program via Employee Self Service. |
- When set to Y, a Membership Number is automatically allocated.

This field displays the date the user was given access to the AtWork benefits program.
- If left blank, this defaults to today's date or the hire date.

This field displays the automatically generated employee's AtWork Membership number.

Code | Description |
Y | Transfer data to Pegasus. |
N | Do not transfer data to Pegasus. |
- When reinstating or reactivating employees, this field must be set to Y manually.

This displays the date the access was given to the AtWork program.

This field displays the date a termination record was sent.

This section defines the job environment on the System that the user will use.
If a Default Job Environment is selected, the remaining fields are not required.

This field displays the library for the Job Environment queue.

This field displays the default job queue to be used for the processing of jobs run by the users.

This field displays the queue to which any messages produced as a result of running jobs are sent.
If using Preceda Console to work with your jobs, this should be PAYMSGQ.

This is the full list of all the libraries to be used by your system.